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FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

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Age Is No Limitation - JC

Joseph Clough

Age Is No Limitation, it can be a perceived limitation. I’m too old to find love…

I’m too old to have financial freedom or start a business…

I’m too young, not experienced enough to do what I want…

I am the first to admit that I struggled for a few years about my age. ‘Who am I to create change in people? I’m way too you young…’

I started seeing clients with big issues at 18 years old.  I even remember on my consultations I would explain how I work and then right at the end say ‘I know I am only 18, but I believe I can get your result’

It was a big issue for me, but I quickly released age is just a perception. Being 29 years old I train people double my age, have huge companies want me to train their staff even there execs. Even now when I reflect on it can feel foreign and strange to be doing so. One time I was running a course in Israel I was asked by  a lady in her late 60’s who came up to me after the talk and said ‘If you ever come over again and run a spiritual training then please let me know as I love your thoughts on life’ – that blew me away.

But here is the thing, you have much to offer and if you have a dream, an ideal, or desire then age is not an issue.  The only thing we must remember is that your passion, and the action you take to make it happen.

There are Olympians winning gold’s in their early teens. We have the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world starting businesses making millions or billions of dollars/pounds.

Henry Ford introduced the Model T automobile when he was 45 years old. At the age of 60, he created the first car assembly line.

Charles Darwin wrote the Origins of Species when he was 50 years old through his years of observing nature.

There will always be examples of ages young or old making changes in the world, and we must realize the only thing that stops us is us. And the good news is we can change that, we just have to apply ourselves and know that you have it all within you.

With love,


Imagination and Your Success

Joseph Clough