Be Your Own Hero
Joseph Clough
Being A Hero.
Today I received this wonderful comment on my Facebook Wall:
“The simple fact of the matter is, almost a year ago I had had enough of my life and could not continue the way it was. It literally was 'do or die'! I did not want to live if it meant continuing on the same path. Life was a living hell. Crippling Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Agoraphobia, Narcolepsy, Chronic Pain and an Addiction to suppress what it was doing to me, in order to carry on! I had been search and seeking help for almost two years but always seemed to be misdiagnosed and taking two steps forward, three steps back. Until my baby sister insisted I join Facebook and I finally found Joseph Clough! I know he hates to be labeled as a hero of sorts, but if you and he truly knew how far I have come today, my first day of rejoining the workforce after live all of my adult life as a 'Carer', you would not doubt my words when I say, Joseph Clough is my Hero”
Did I copy and paste this to gloat? To show off?
YES, yes I did…..Aha...Actually No I didn’t…I promise, naturally I am incredibly honored to receive emails and comments like this, in fact it makes my day, not from ego but from the impact and imprint I am trying to make on the world with the time I have left in this world.
So why did I mention the comment?
For one reason, that you are your own hero.
What is the definition of a hero? After a quick search I found the following:
1) Someone of distinguished courage or ability, admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities.
2) A person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal
Also from the movies...heroes are usually deemed normal people, from normal situations who fall into a no-win situation or trauma and somehow, someway they dig deep to overcome the challenge and become and be more than ever.
So sometimes ‘stuff’ has to hit the fan to uncover the hero within. It happened with me and now I am living life happily because I went through that ‘stuff’.
This wonderful comment I received, when you break it down is that she had to step up, instigate and maintain personal growth to live the life she has achieved to date. So in every way she is the hero here, she is the legend and she knows it. Why? Its the Hero trait! All heroes wonderfully deflect their own triumphs to those who have helped them along the way – their awesome like that!
So wherever you are, no matter what your situation, its time to wake up our mind and body to who you we are.
Who are you?
- You are worthy
- You are love and loved
- You are powerful
- You are capable
- You are your very own damn amazing hero!
When you realize this (and I hope you do now or very soon) we realize that the very nature of going through and persisting through the struggle or challenge, that you my friend are on the edge of the realization of the above 5 points above. You are a step away from the solution. You are stepping out of the darkness, pushing beyond your comfort zone and expanding your mind from the darkness into the light and becoming your very own hero.
That’s why I do what I do, I want you to dig deep and uncover the hero within you.
If you need help in doing so – check out my no sign up/110% free 11 Lesson Confidence Course (over 8 hours long) here
With love,