Its easier to say, than do, can positive thinking help others?
Joseph Clough
Hi Guys,
Yesterday I put up the following on one of the social media platforms
'There are always examples around the world that tell you why you cannot do some thing, BUT there will always be at least one example where someone has. JC'
And I had a great reply/comment to it, it was really a good point that I would like to discuss.
They replied with:
'That's so easy to say.. And I admire your motivation .. But this only focuses on the western world .. I read an article on zimbabwe women and children who still live under a mans rule .. No matter his status.. And the abuse and HIV and incest .. Rape... These women endure... And they are probably more wishing that they didn't have to experience this... Not .. Omg my life is so bad because I don't use my true goal in life... But if I do positive thinking I'm ok.... ???'
So how do we answer and discuss this problem? because its a serious subject to discuss.
Well here is my reply that tackles this question which I think is really important to consider for yourselfs when it comes to self development and positive thinking:
Hi '____', it sure is easy to say and it's another thing doing it. I totally get what you say, so thank you for your comment! :) I'd also say positive thinking does not make everything okay, it can help though, it's proven that positive thinking adds value in making changes in ones life.
Although my status may or may not transform that situation you mention on the surface, we also should not dismiss is application. Would you prefer people in that situation to have opposite belief/mindset? Would having the my above mindset be more likely to help or hinder them?
Also if we have my above mindset on big level in terms of social media such Facebook/Twitter it might cause people to wake up and take a stand and stop those horrible things happening in other countries. Even if it caused one person to think 'actually there is example 'x' where this society changed is behaviour toward women by taking certain stands and actions, so therefore it can happen else where in the world'.
I think all what I say and speak of is my truth and for others maybe convenient assumptions that once applied can make changes in ones life, the more people who make changes the quicker it spreads to other people in other situations. As Gandhi said, be the change you want to see in the world, when we do that, we then we transform the world as a whole.