Newsletter Round Up January 2013 - Happy New Year — Joseph Clough

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FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

Newsletter Round Up January 2013 - Happy New Year

Joseph Clough

Welcome to the Joseph Clough Newsletter

Happy New Year! Lets Make 2013 an amazing transformational year. 

In the first Newsletter of 2013 I have two big free audios you can listen or download. I'm also pleased to say that last month we reached the milestone of 1,000,000 downloads, that blows my mind! So lets get to the free gifts and big update.

What If Money Was No Issue download

I have a really interesting free mp3 download from you, but PLEASE read writing on the blog page before listening..

The feedback from it has been immense as to its way of transforming your perception. Click here to get the audio for FREE online or on iTunes 

2012 Learning's - 2013 Plans. 

As the year 2012 closes upon us, I always make time to reflect on my achievements, learn from the things which may not of worked out (yet) and realign myself to new outcomes for 2013.

This audio will get you to get the learning's of 2012 and develop the most amazing 2013. Click here to get the audio for FREE online or on iTunes

Update for the future....What makes a 121 session so effective?

In my last email to you called Reaching As Many People As Possible - I talked a bit about 121 sessions being probably the most effective way of being able to make a change in someone – and wanted to explain a bit more about why I feel that.

The key is to understand your core issue clearly, many people can struggle with this, but it can be done effectively.

Then specifically understand the nature of  the underlying symptoms related to the core issue.

From there, with my  10+ years of experience I am able to work on the specific underlying symptoms/conflicts as well as overcome the core issue.

Its important that we understanding the underlying symptoms and specifically targeting them to resolve the issue – that’s what makes a 121 so effective.

In my experience it has shown me that there are generally common symptoms and themes that relate to certain core issues.

For example:

If you have core issue lets say its Confidence.

It’s normally linked to other symptoms maybe Anxiety, Not Good Enough, Self Consciousness etc

In my new breakthrough product I am going to combine my experience and some really innovative technology to be able to offer you a personalized self-hypnosis product on par with a 121 session.


Keep an eye out for an announcement with full details coming soon!

So until then my friend, remember I believe in you and how amazing you are. With love,
